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Here are 3 ways on how to combine Techpacker and Illustrator to create faster tech packs.
Learn how to save your precious time from manually adding repetitive information in tech packs.
From artificial intelligence to zero waste productions, here's our round-up on major tech advancements in fashion.
Explore how these latest technological advancements are helping brands eliminate overstocking problems.
And how Techpacker can be a game changer > According to the Holmes Report, companies with effective communication strategies have 47% higher returns to shareholders, more engaged employees, and less employee turnover. Conversely,
Discover the best manufacturing practices to meet customer demands quickly and efficiently.
Learn how to stop your manufacturers switching to materials for cheaper alternatives without your approval.
Hear out these creatives and what they've learned in their journey as fashion designers and entrepreneurs.
Check out these spine-tingling tales of terror from the world of fashion manufacturing.
Learn from this production expert on why tech packs are so important during manufacturing.
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